The word "Fear Not" appears 365 times in the Bible. This means that every day in a year, you can take one pill of "Fear Not" knowing and trusting that God is with...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/31/2021
You will be amazed by Kim's story and personal testimony of perseverance. Kim encourages her audience to hold fast to God's promises when their faith is being tested. She is...
Dragonfly women fly because they are fruitful, linked, and yielded. F: Fruitful bridges to other generations build relationships that bring unity to the body of Christ. We recognize...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 05/25/2021
Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) - Speaker In 16 years we've had more than 36,000 Babies saved. As the Executive Director I've arranged many Keynote Speakers! What...
Posted by Pam Caylor on 05/22/2021
Emotional Healing. We have many wounded among us! They stumble along, trying to cover the pain, trying to just keep going, trying to fulfill God's plan for their lives,...
The devil’s plan is for us to continue living with the pain of our past and not moving forward to enjoy the life Jesus gave us. But Ruth demonstrated her passion to change...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/18/2021
In this teaching my encouragement to you is to understand you and I are not bound to this world system unless you want to be.Jesus is letting us know.1st We do not...
Posted by Mamie Jones on 05/10/2021
Serious, well-meaning Christians attend "church" for years without seeing victory in their lives. When we renew our minds and focus on the blood of Jesus, His sacrifice,...
Do you desire to reach the lost but don't know where to begin? Leslie has a passion for evangelism and enjoys sharing easy steps to reach others with the Good News.Training followed...
Deconstruction is synonymous with the discipleship process known as spiritual formation. Christians mature in faith through disciplines including prayer, personal study, and formal...
Posted by Stacey Wynn, MDIV, PCC on 05/03/2021
In this fun and inspiring message, Lori uses scenes and parallels from the movies Princess Diaries 1 and 2 to creatively communicate to women of all ages what their true identity...
Posted by Lori Militello on 05/02/2021
Based on John 10:10 Yvonne searches the Bible for an explanation of just what that abundant life Jesus refers to is all about. Is it about being successful, happy, wealthy, satisfied?...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 04/22/2021