Ever wonder why some people attract friends like a magnet and others don’t? What does God have to say about friends and close relationships? We will talk about the keys to meaningful...
Posted by Tammy Whitehurst on 10/29/2015
Teachers were called to do what they do. They inspire, encourage, and teach our leaders of tomorrow. This talk is designed to speak to the heart of the school teacher from elementary...
Posted by Tammy Whitehurst on 10/29/2015
If it is called the happiest time of the year, then why are so many people grumpy and not smiling? We have allowed the world to steal our "joy" of the season. It took a serious...
Posted by Joy Trachsel on 10/29/2015
A day in the life of a ministry wife or parsonage family maybe filled with great sorrow and/or great joy in the same day. You never know what the day may bring. Each day is filled...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 10/29/2015
What are the weeds in our souls, our lives that need to go in look order for new growth to happen? And how to keep them from coming back. Gwendolyn Pew, Pastor www.womenspeakers ...
Good grief. If reality TV, personal insecurities, and your neighbor's expectations frame how you live your life, you'll be very confused…and tired! It's not always...
Posted by Gaye Lindfors on 10/29/2015
Life is a journey. As we travel we experience open roads, rest stops, detours, potholes, and road closures. What can make the journey more hope-filled and fun-filled? Sharing the trip...
You know you are loved by an Almighty God. You know you were created for a divine purpose. But what happens when the ship takes on water -- and you have to bail? What do you do when...
Posted by Gaye Lindfors on 10/29/2015
Based on Proverbs 31, this fun presentation is perfect for Mother’s Day or other special women’s event. Filled with humor and Bible-truths, women will laugh their way into...
Posted by Donna Lott on 10/29/2015
Donna's personal testimony and signature message. She discusses her experiences with vision loss and how God brought her through a time of darkness and sadness and into a lifetime...
Posted by Donna Lott on 10/29/2015
Get your giggle factor in motion because it’s time to p-a-r-t-a-y! That would be Play, Assemble, Rejoice, Tease, Amuse and Yell. King Solomon said “there is a time to laugh”...
Posted by Esther Hughes on 10/28/2015
Does the Proverbs 31 woman make you feel inferior? Do you cringe every time you hear a message on Proverbs 31? This invigorating theme will help attendees lose the inferiority complex...
Posted by Esther Hughes on 10/28/2015