You will be amazed by Kim's story and personal testimony of perseverance. Kim encourages her audience to hold fast to God's promises when their faith is being tested. She is...
In this teaching, Lauren speaks about the importance of developing disciples in a three-step process which is revealed in 1 Thessalonians 2. The message also gives many practical applications...
Discover how to respond intentionally every time your trigger is tripped. We’ll explore the science behind your reactions, and the strategies Christ equipped and empowered us...
Posted by Mary K Dunn on 02/25/2020
HOLIDAY HOSPITALITY, ALL FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! What better time than the holidays to use our homes to show off the heart of God? People expect invitations at Christmas, Easter,...
God made us all individual and unique but it's our differences that can cause tension and division among women. In this message, using her own experiences and the example of Mary...
Posted by Robin R King on 02/08/2020
Rev. Dr. Dallas explores the concepts of words and how we attach meaning based on our experience. How often do we sit in judgment or assume the intention of another? What are those...
Posted by Dallas Teague Snider on 10/09/2019
This talk investigates the many Biblical ways we can, through friendships, positively influence others for their spiritual growth and our own. It is designed to get women...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 04/04/2019
MK is famous on the internet for writing about her "feral children". The term was met with mixed reviews, and while tongue in cheek, was intended to be a loving moniker. But...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
FEARLESS – Living with Greater Passion, Purpose & Power Session 1: Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear Using humor and personal stories, Danna explores why women...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 11/20/2018
Perfect for workshops, keynotes, small or large group events. "Weighty Baggage" helps women to pinpoint the sabatogers in their thoughts, life scripts, behaviors, and...
Have you ever been surrounded by the circling, roaring lions? Standing and planting our feet requires resolve, engagement, and intentional motion. It requires a decision. It goes...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 08/17/2018
II Peter tells us that Jesus is coming back! We are in the last days, and he tells us to Grow in Grace when you see this unfolding. God is specific and intentional when He tells us...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 08/17/2018