We’ve all experienced dry places. Whether struggling in our spiritual life or within the hard challenges in life, we need refreshment. Revival is found in four promises...
We were each created by God for a purpose. Just as a potter starts at the potter’s wheel then works through a shaping process for his creation, our Creator the Potter has us go through...
Discover more about yourself, others, relationships, work and home as you begin to learn how to discern the season that you are in during a particular time in your life. Living things...
"All of us will experience seasons of trials. It's where we turn for strength that defines us in such times." From experience Rhonda knows what it is to fight...
It's a familiar struggle for all women of faith: striving to live the consistent Christian life amid seasons of fluctuating hormones and stressful life circumstances. From periods...
"We all love the holidays. But, let's face it, holiday seasons bring a myriad of expectations. Using popular Christmas carols, (no, she doesn't sing!) Donna identifies...
Do you feel overwhelmed by the challenges confronting you in this season of your life? Are you able to enjoy what you have presently? Is there satisfaction in your accomplishments...
Why do people strive? Why do some flourish & others burnout? Why do some have vibrant relationships & others seem to go round the mountain? Wisdom confirms the more we know WHO we...