Do you dread the holidays, rather than anticipate them, because of all there is to do? In this upbeat presentation, Cindi speaks to the heart of every woman who finds herself busy...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 08/16/2016
You don't have to give up hope, you don't have to compromise, and you don't have to be held hostage by your teen or adult son or daughter's behavior. Invite Paula...
This is a study of what true biblical worship is to look like in our lives. It is a lifestyle, not a service on Sunday! We will use Isaiah 6 as a guide. This is an anointed...
Posted by Cyndi Grace on 08/12/2016
Taken from the passage in Mark 5, Michelle shares that it's time for God's children to get up and get to what God has for them in this life. Too many women of God have been held back,...
You know the praise and worship chorus, "It's all about you" that we sing unto the Lord? Well, many of us don't live those lyrics. We think it's all about us. In this session, Michelle...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 08/11/2016
In this two part message (perfect for a women’s retreat), Michelle explains the importance of allowing God to fill us up with His love. Using the scripture “And to know the love...
In this engaging talk, Joanna invites us to explore the powerful metaphor of clothing as it relates to our identity in Christ. Just as our outward appearance can communicate much about...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 08/10/2016
Review and Invitation for Churches: "Unearthing Treasures: The Pearl of Great Price"Joanna’s talk on the "Pearl of Great Price" was a transformative experience...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 08/10/2016
FAITHFUL AND FABULOUS! The Faith Boat Cruise with Mrs. Noah: I Thess 5:23 & 24 Learning to rely on the faith that will see you safely through the storms...
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”Unfortunately, this childish chant is not true. A stick may bruise our body for a few days, but words...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/03/2016
A little girl, face deformed by cancer, falls in love with the ugliest doll as we learn that through the eyes of love, even the ugliest can be beautiful. This visual presentation...
Posted by Sharon Lawlor on 07/15/2016
Contending for the Faith is all about positioning of our hearts. In a culture that has become anti-God, Melissa addresses the importance of contending for the faith. Each...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 06/30/2016