The Enduring Power of Prayer: A Legacy That Lives On: Our prayers live beyond our life, our voice continues.Have you ever wondered about the impact of your prayers? Do you ever...
Do you ever find yourself riddled with hurt – in your everyday life? From those you work with, those in your family or sadly within the church walls. We attend service faithfully,...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
Beyond the Cozy Couch: Stepping Out in Faith to Fulfill Your DestinyIf you feel a nudge in your heart, a whisper of something more for your life? Yet, comfort reigns supreme, and the...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
If have you ever felt rejected or you lived rebellious, if your relationships aren't healthy, or you struggle relating. If you crave connection, but past hurts lead you to push...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
This powerful talk, "Shedding the Shackles," offers a path to uncovering the authentic you. Together, we'll explore how hidden shame and unhealed wounds sabotage our...
Reframing Our Thoughts and Discovering God's Abundant Life. Battling doubt? Join us as we explore how the Word of God rewrites our negative narratives. Discover how to silence...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
What does it mean to Live in Grace? In this 4 session retreat series, Deedy covers the topics of Saving Grace, Daily Grace, Faithful Grace and Finishing Grace. Your group will travel...
Celebrate the remarkable resilience and redemption found in modern-day stories of overcoming adversity, where Sonja shares her story, guided by her faith in God to navigate through...
Posted by Sonja Christine on 04/15/2024
Whether you're currently riding the high peaks or navigating through challenging valleys, this message will uplift, inspire, and equip you to ride life's rollercoaster with...
Posted by Sonja Christine on 04/15/2024
Discover the transformative power of gratitude and contentment in the Christian journey. Learn practical strategies to cultivate daily gratitude, overcome the trap of comparison, and...
Posted by Sonja Christine on 04/15/2024
This keynote dives into the transformative power of faith in turning the deepest heartache into a beacon of hope for families. Laine provides a candid look at her journey, showcasing...
Posted by Laine Craft on 04/14/2024
Laine guides the audience through 3 top strategies to win back your prodigal and heal your family....
Posted by Laine Craft on 04/14/2024