Sadly, many women feel stuck in their unhealthy habits and increasingly unhealthy bodies. They feel like failures and that there is no hope because they've failed to make lasting...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 02/18/2019
Providing facts for the home owner who desires to sell including marketing. How to get ready mentally, emotionally and physically. Helpful facts that will assist and inform...
Posted by Beverly J. Powell on 02/07/2019
Every woman desires and needs the friendships of women but developing good friendships can be difficult! Using Biblical examples, Robin helps women discover how to sow the seeds of...
Posted by Robin R King on 01/31/2019
Do you feel your child is beyond help? Don’t lose hope! Kelly shares how God transformed her from Satan’s Little Princess to a Daughter of the King. ----------From...
It’s just a kiss, right? Sure why not? Addressing premarital intimacy, Kelly reflects on her first kiss and how this seemingly innocent act opened a door better left shut to...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
God still speaks in the garden. When Kelly’s hands are busy, her mouth is shut. During those quiet times, she chronicled the gems He dropped into her heart. ----------She...
Countless women go to work each morning with guilt-induced stress because they leave their toddler at the daycare screaming,“Please don’t leave me, Mommy!” Kelly...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
Sometimes “standing by your man” can be unbelievably difficult. Even Tammy Wynette knew it back in 1968. Kelly looks at how our reactions can support or weaken our husbands...
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us this specific command in Matthew 6:33. Obedience to His commands provide inner peace and joy; something we all desire. Since He said it, we need to do...
Each day, and especially during life's challenges, we need to get control of our thoughts and self-talk, for they will determine our destiny. This lesson is a must for all women....
Scripture reference: 1 John2:28-3:24How can we, who have experienced the miracle ofnew birth in Christ, deal with our own sinfulness as we try to live in the full assurance of our...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 01/22/2019
Many of us feel and angst within us.....that " something's missing" feeling. This study of Exodus and Genesis will help you compare yourselves to the "...