God is the Master at taking a shattered life and creating a beautiful masterpiece for all to see. Join Kelly Master on a compelling journey as she shares her personal testimony of...
In her most requested presentation, Jean shares her journey of misdiagnosis and how her sense of purpose along with a positive attitude enabled her to survive three decades...
"Miracles Happen When We Choose to Forgive!" Listen and be encouraged as Deborah takes you down her life's road, from shattered dreams... to a future full of romance!...
Miracles aren't about the outcome - they are about the getting through, what we find in the sacred rubble while walking through broken places. Discover what can be found...
“You crown the year with your bounty and your carts overflow with abundance” (Psalm 65:11). 1st Session: God’s Miracle Masterpiece: You. 2nd Session: Miracles at...