You won't find these beauty secrets in the latest issue of Vogue, and you can't buy them at the cosmetics counter either. Discover the dos and don'ts of Biblical beauty in this practical,...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 10/29/2015
This is a presentation that can be short or long. It is about the emotions we encounter and what we can do with them. Biblical insights guide the way to process emotions to the point...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 10/29/2015
Do you sometimes wish you could swallow your words? They have the power to build up or break down, to heal or to hurt relationships. These messages spoken from Poppy's heart enable...
Revamp your mind! What you think can spur you on to a more fulfilling life in God's purposes or stop you in your tracks. Your automatic thoughts, self-talk and fears can intimidate,...
Can you conceive of anything that demonstrates the gospel more beautifully than the godly behavior of those who receive it? Feminine Delight looks at Biblical Womanhood, which is true...
Posted by Jessie Seneca on 10/29/2015
“The Christian life is a long obedience in the same direction” (E.M. Bounds). Along this journey, we encounter experiences and biblical truths that enhance and deepen our...
Posted by Carol Sallee on 10/29/2015
Women are a precious gift from God to the world, but somewhere along the way we’ve lost our confidence. Explore when the first woman lost her confidence and how Christ came to...
Posted by Carol Sallee on 10/29/2015
God is an emotional God - not in the way we define emotional women, but we are created in God’s image. We distort biblical emotions by letting our experiences determine what God...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 10/29/2015
Every day, women stand at the crossroads of life longing for change, direction, and ways to make a difference. Such frustration can drive women away from God or toward Him. Through...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 10/29/2015
A wonderful retreat for these challenging times! Janet equips her audience with Biblical tools to help them with hope, healing, and helps--but also with a LOT of humor to keep the...
PMS Praising My Savior is a fresh, funny, yet meaningful look at PMS and Menopause and how to nurture a change in your thinking and life by discovering how to praise God through every...
Are you going, going, going? Chugging along but seemingly always running on empty? It's time to slow down and learn to fuel on God! Come chuckle your way from empty to full. Leave...