There is a secret place, where there is protection, peace, and help in times of trouble. I use to have a secret hiding place when I was a child but it was only temporary. Now I have...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
Worry uses up a lot of energy that could be used to be more productive. It affects you physically, emotionally, spiritually and even financially. We can quit worrying by changing our...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
When you have problems with your memory and people tell you oh, that comes with age, don't listen to them. Listen to what the bible has to say about that. The bible says,"The memory...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
Based on Genesis 32, this is a ringside glimpse into the greatest wrestling match of all time: Jacob vs Jehovah. Shelly carefully shares her life story of tragic loss, abandonment,...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015
Trusting in God isn't an attribute reserved for Pastors and their wives or Missionaries ... Anyone can truly trust God with every fiber of their being. You just need to know the...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015
Often we think that maturity in Christ should mean less struggle, less temptation, less humanness, and less frailty. So don’t let anyone know that you are experiencing those...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015
Based on Romans 12:2 & Ephesians 3 – This message is a life transforming message. The word “renewing” in Romans 12:2 means “renovate.” We’ll journey through a renovation...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015
Based on John 10:10 this message talks about how much God loves and treasures His creation in that Christ came so that we might experience abundant life, here and now, on earth. Filled...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015
Even as Christian women we often allow our past mistakes to creep into our present and hinder God’s plan for our lives. The guilt and embarrassment from our past often causes...
Posted by Vicki Albrecht on 10/29/2015
Peace, that ever elusive treasure that so many of us seek. Where is it? How come it is so hard to find? Are we looking in the right place for it? In this presentation Vicki shares...
Posted by Vicki Albrecht on 10/29/2015
2 Corinthians 3:17 says “..the Lord is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom.” If this is true then why do our lives not reflect it? Why are our hearts and...
Posted by Vicki Albrecht on 10/29/2015
I will work with you to meet the needs of your group and the specifics of your program, retreat, or event....
Posted by Kim Wright on 10/29/2015