Kim's journey from a hurtful past to rescuing the lives of over 40 orphans from the Haiti earthquake in 2010 is certain to spur hope and redemption for your life, regardless of...
"Life lessons from the book of Nehemiah. Learn about the power of the Word, Walking in the way, the significances of the gates in the Walls of Jerusalem, and strategy in spiritual...
When we get rid of the George Lopez "I Got this" syndrome, we give God permission to do what He does best!!! This conversation of courage keynote/ workshop addresses God's opportunity...
Get your giggle factor in motion because it’s time to p-a-r-t-a-y! That would be Play, Assemble, Rejoice, Tease, Amuse and Yell. King Solomon said “there is a time to laugh”...
Are there times when you just wish you had more faith? Are there moments in your walk with God that you struggle with trusting Him? This is a life changing lesson on what faith is...