Women are struggling with knowing how far to go with their faith. Angie shares a true story of a supernatural faith journey that pushed her beyond her human limits as a business women...
Deconstruction is synonymous with the discipleship process known as spiritual formation. Christians mature in faith through disciplines including prayer, personal study, and formal...
We all set goals but sometimes, do we fizzle out within a few weeks of our efforts? If so, that is normal! We are human. But let's get real! A gold medalist...
Are you ready to venture into deeper waters in your faith journey? Join us for an inspiring session with Joanna, where we’ll explore the powerful message found in Luke 5. Just...
When you leave on a trip, careful plans are made about your destination and what you will pack. Likewise, in the journey of faith, you need to 'pack smart' to meet the challenges of...
Review and Invitation for Churches: "Unearthing Treasures: The Pearl of Great Price"Joanna’s talk on the "Pearl of Great Price" was a transformative experience...