In this heartfelt and energizing session, Michelle Bader Ebersole—author, podcaster, and speaker—shares her personal journey of navigating profound grief and hardship after...
"The Fragrance of Heaven: Being a Sweet Smelling Aroma for God"In this enlightening talk, Joanna explores the biblical concept of being a "sweet smelling aroma"...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 10/16/2024
Description: Strengthen leadership within families and communities, modeled after the Proverbs 31 woman’s role as a provider, nurturer, and servant-leader.Objective: Equip women...
Description: Empower women in leadership and business by exploring the entrepreneurial spirit of the Proverbs 31 woman, who engages in trade and invests wisely.Objective: Inspire church...
This talk emphasizes the importance of healthy relationships in all areas of life—family, friendships, and community. Attendees will learn communication strategies and biblical...
Posted by Vanesa Alcantara on 09/27/2024
Explore the nine attributes of the Fruit of the Spirit and how they can be practically lived out in everyday life. This session will include interactive discussions and actionable...
Posted by Vanesa Alcantara on 09/27/2024
This is my sweet spot. To encourage our communities who desperately need the love of Jesus Christ Through my testimony, and fierce protection for life, I love to give back in...
Jesus called Himself a servant to His disciples and it is with the same heart that we are called to serve. Your entire existence is to serve the Kingdom of God, and in this session,...
Posted by Georgia Owens on 09/25/2024
Having moved 32x, I know firsthand the struggle of replanting yourself and creating a new community of friends and support. In this presentation, I share the positives of moving into...
Posted by Janice Rose on 09/23/2024
Discover the profound impact of our words and actions in this heartfelt exploration of Christian influence and personal growth. Join us as we delve into a touching family moment that...
Discover the transformative power of partnering with God in this insightful and humorous exploration of faith, relationships, and personal growth. Learn how this divine partnership...
Michelle Bader Ebersole is a gifted speaker, teacher, and inspirer who has been called to help others navigate the storms of life. Whether it's dealing with the loss of a loved...
Posted by Michelle Bader Ebersole on 09/03/2024