The devil’s plan is for us to continue living with the pain of our past and not moving forward to enjoy the life Jesus gave us. But Ruth demonstrated her passion to change...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/18/2021
God is calling us to rise above every circumstance that stands against His highest calling on our lives. Learn to bravely face your fears and arise whenever struck down by life. From...
How can you rise from brokenness? Where is the beauty in ashes? During this program with overcomer, Elizabeth Clamon, you'll discover three keys to being brave and resilient. ====Even...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 05/23/2019
Sometimes you need a coach to help you breakthrough barriers of fear that have been holding you back. In this retreat style format consisting of three sessions, the source of fear...
Posted by Shana Strange on 05/13/2019
As an adopted child, Teresa shares the stories of two brave women, both of whom she calls "mother". In a strong appeal to support life, Teresa tenderly tells God's design...
Posted by Teresa E. Nelson on 04/12/2019
Real, authentic, deep friendships are hard to come by, but as women we crave connection. Unfortunately, relationships between women in the world can often be challenging for...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
Many will settle their estates before death; leaving property and possessions to love ones. However, compared to eternity, these things are insignificant. This talk will discuss...
Posted by Janice Pender on 08/02/2017
On the day I called to You, You answered me. You made me strong and brave. - Psalm 138:3Let’s be honest. Many Christian women, even after years of knowing Jesus, find themselves...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 04/29/2017
Brave is not a word that typically characterizes most of us. But often the life God calls us to requires more strength and more courageous than we think have. When we would be satisfied...
Parenting is a life long lesson in letting go and that can feel like losing a limb. In this entertaining message Lynn equips moms to be brave in every single season of mothering. From...
Posted by Lynn Marie Cherry on 04/20/2017
How do we deal with feelings of anger and a desire for revenge? Let's face it, we've all experienced moments of wanting to get even with someone. Drawing on themes...