Free to Be the Mom God Made You to Be- 10 Lies Moms BelieveThis talk takes an in depth look at lies we commonly believe as moms, ties them to truth of God's word to debunk the...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
This is the theme of Bobbie's website. She loves to share practical ways that women can Honor God, even in the craziness of their everyday lives. Bobbie is a firm...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
Bobbie is always happy to create a message specifically for you and your event. ...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
In a world that puts so much focus on caring for our physical selves, how do we care for our Soul? How do we focus on keeping our whole self, the physical, mental, emotional,...
Have you lost your song? Where’s your joy? Do you feel like never tying again? We will discover that all believers face uncertain days filled despair and uncertainty yet...
As Christians we are called to love one another. In a world where putting self first is prioritized, how do we focus on loving one another? Bobbie looks at Biblical practical...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
In this busy world full of shiny things, what does it look like to be intentional? How do we prioritize all of the things that pull on us and need our attention? Bobbie...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
ARE YOU A WORRIER? Are you preoccupied with the "What ifs" and worst-case scenarios? Unrelenting doubts and fears can be paralyzing! Worry can interfere with your daily life...
Posted by Pam Gillaspie on 03/31/2018
Do you ever feel like there is a barrier that is holding you back from reaching your goals? These blocks can hinder you from moving forward. Oftentimes they restrict your vision, restrain...
Day after day, a cast iron skilled takes on rigorous flames. These skillets are resilient and made to endure the heat. Do you wonder if you have what it takes to withstand the heat...
Posted by Lavinia Marshall on 03/30/2018
In the beginning, you were uniquely created and designed. Then life happens. It chisels at you. Life wants you to adapt to it. Your life begins to define you instead of you defining...
Vision Vision, is a compass for the journey of life. Leaders, teams, organizations without vision are without direction. If you are stagnant and want to grow, understanding...
Posted by Lavinia Marshall on 03/30/2018