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Posted by: Joanna Fruhauf on 08/10/2016

You are Living stones

What are Living Stones and why are we as believers compared to them? In this insightful talk, we explore the concept of "living stones" as described in Scripture, drawing parallels between our natural world and the divine truths found in the Bible. By examining the beauty and value of precious stones, we uncover their significance and uses throughout Scripture, highlighting how they reflect God's splendor and purpose.

We learn that, just as precious stones are intricately crafted and valuable, we too are created with purpose and worth. The message emphasizes the importance of being connected to one another to effectively build up the house of God. Through this exploration, we gain a deeper understanding of our role in God's plan and the collective strength we bring as living stones, united in faith and purpose.

Ultimately, this talk invites us to appreciate our unique contributions and the divine design of God's creation, inspiring us to shine brightly within His house.



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