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Posted by: Katherine Norland on 02/04/2025

You Are Confident: Live a Courageous Life

6 Proven Strategies to Build Confidence Using Jesus’ Blueprint for Boldness

Drawing from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, Katherine brings profound insights on how to cultivate unshakable confidence rooted in faith. If you're looking to walk body in faith with the confidence of Christ, Katherine offers a transformative perspective on confidence—one that is not based on self-reliance but on trust in God’s power and purpose.


Katherine shares how to face life’s challenges with Godly boldness. In this teaching, you’ll discover the confidence Jesus taught and lived by. You’ll explore six key ways Jesus demonstrated confidence during His time on Earth, each designed to help believers navigate challenges with courage and conviction:

1. Confidence in Your Sense of Right and Wrong: Jesus never wavered in His understanding of what was right, even when it was unpopular or led to confrontation. Katherine highlights how Christians can stand firm in their values, despite societal pressures to compromise.

2. Confidence in the Outcome Before It Happens: Jesus demonstrated unwavering faith in God’s plan, even in the face of seemingly impossible situations. This section teaches believers to trust God’s timing and maintain faith, no matter the circumstances.

3. Confidence in Who You Are: Jesus was fully aware of His identity as the Son of God, and He acted accordingly. Katherine encourages Christians to embrace their divinely imparted identity and live confidently, knowing they are chosen and loved by God.

4. Confidence in Your Calling: Jesus pursued His mission with determination, despite opposition. This lesson inspires believers to follow their God-given purpose with steadfastness, even when the journey feels lonely, or you are maligned or misunderstood.

5. Confidence in God’s Power Working Through You: Jesus performed miracles by relying solely on His Father’s power, even when He could have used His own. Katherine emphasizes the importance of leaning on God’s strength, and His power working through us, especially in moments of weakness.

6. Confidence to Keep Moving Forward: Despite challenges, Jesus never stopped progressing toward His goal. This final tip encourages Christians to persist in their faith journey, trusting that God is leading them to victory.

Katherine’s training not only delves into these six confidence tips but also provides practical

applications for daily life, empowering believers to step boldly into their calling. With scriptural

backing and real-life examples, these 6 confidence tips learned from Jesus is a powerful guide for

anyone looking to deepen their faith and live with unshakable confidence, walking in power and


Some supporting scriptures for this talk: 

  1. Hebrews 10:35  “Cast not away your confidence, which has great reward.”

  2. Philippians 4:13  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

  3. 2 Timothy 1:7  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.”

  4. 2 Corinthians 12:9  “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

  5. Luke 4:18-19, 21  “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me… Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

  6. Matthew 14:29-31  “Come,” He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid… Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ He said, ‘why did you doubt?’”

  7. John 10:27-30  “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

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