Patti used to be acharacter - foolish, timid, and shallow. Now she's a woman of character; wise, bold, she has depth and discernment. Your audience will be challenged to pursue character over riches.
1. I was foolish, but now I'm wise. Wisdom is both the ability to discern what is best and the strength of character to act upon that knowledge.
What a contrast: wisdom appeals to the mind while foolishness appeals to the senses.
2. I was a coward, but now I'm a warrior - I have strength. A woman of character has a warrior's heart.
The world is looking for warriors; it hears enough whining and complaining. God wants to enlarge your weak heart and empower you to find strength you didn't know you had.
3. I was timid, but now I'm bold. Boldness is one of the most essential qualities of the faith, it motivates us to attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.
You'll never come away from God with "little" because he's too big for that. God wants you to be a woman who takes her place of audacious trust rather than a place of caution.
4. I was shallow/gossiped, but now I have depth. I speak with discernment. Don't circulate gossip - squelch it.
God calls us to be women of depth. Jesus didn't speak from his flesh; his vocabulary came straight from heaven.