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Posted by: Patti Davis on 02/11/2024

The Function of a Lighthouse

Rescuing people before their lives hit the rocks. 

Please note that a lighthouse is never located inland, in the center of a cozy meadow, or at the edge of a botanical garden. They are always located along dangerous coastlines, cliffs, hazardous reefs, and jagged rocks.

Patti breaks this topic down into bite-size pieces so your audience will understand the function of a spiritual lighthouse.

1.) The lighthouse represents the Christian life; God's light shining through to others.

2.) The sea represents the world; we are all riding the waves of our culture.

3.) The ships represent the people in our paths.

4.) The storm represents sin.

To be an effective lighthouse we're going to need to endure the storm they found themselves in. Satan will attempt to snuff out your light through resentment, anger, offense, disapproval, and judgment of their sin.

God enables us to shine like a safe beacon of light through attitudes of ...

~ Restoration is the very heart of God because you help bring someone back to a healthy state.

~ Justice has a transforming power.  

~ Mercy allows us to guide others as they maneuver through the storm.

~ Grace is greater than all our sins and has the power to take any burden away.

Patti shares dynamic examples of how God used her as a lighthouse. She'll give your audience a formula called,

                                                       " The warning - The storm - My response"

These are dark days. God wants to use you as a lighthouse of hope. People want to know if God is real. Answer God's call to be used as a beacon for those who sit in darkness, so they can catch a glimpse of what it is like to be in the light. 

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