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Posted by: Doris Swift on 06/01/2024

Step Out of Your Doubt and Into Your Calling!

Does the concept of a calling bewilder you at times? 

You are not alone. We all need guidance and direction. Do you want to hear something crazy? The enemy will try using the concept of calling to make us anxious. He will whisper worrisome thoughts in our ears like: What if you don’t know your calling? What if you’ve already messed up and missed it? How about this one: If you don’t know your calling by now, you probably don’t even have one.

The enemy wants to rob us of our joy, peace, and calling, but God tells us not to worry, gives us His joy and peace, and equips us for our calling! 

I would love to encourage your ladies to step out of what's holding them back and walk into what God wants to do in and through them moving forward.

Because no matter where we've been, what we've done, or what's been done to us, God can use it all for His glory! Your ladies will leave your event with encouragement and actionable steps to walk boldly in their fierce calling. 

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