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Posted by: Lisa Martin on 10/04/2024

Seeing Beyond With Eyes of Faith

The Bible is filled with stories of regular people whose faith in God was challenged by trials. God uses those stories to encourage us to see beyond our circumstances with a strong, and confident faith that can move mountains. Just like the Patriarchs of the bible, we too have giants in our lives that overwhelm and defeat us causing a downcast view that obscures God. This message of "Seeing Beyond with Eyes of Faith" shares lessons learn from those who walked before us about the importance of remembering God's faithfulness.  It is when we remember and look up, that we are able to see beyond our current circumstance and in faith, believe that God who has been faithful before will do it again.  

This retreat theme includes four messages that build upon one another.

Message #1- Moving Belief into Faith- This message lays the foundation by outlining the differences between our beliefs that require no action and our faith, which is all action.

Message #2- Faithful Followers That Faulter- This message highlights three women of the bible who experienced seasons of faithlessness but were redeemed by God who is always faithful.

Message #3- What Steals Your Faith and Joy- This message looks at how faith and joy are interconnected, the things we do that impact our faith and joy, and what we can do to prevent this from happening.

Message #4- Seeing Beyond with Eyes of Faith- This message weaves my personal story of faithlessness with the power of God’s faithfulness.

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