As women, we tend to feel the need to work and strive to be good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough for someone to love us or validate our existence. We also tend to get our identity from what others think or say about us, and we strive to people-please. This kind of striving is based on a false identity. God is asking His daughters to settle into His kind of rest where we know that our identity if found in a relationship with Him. He desires for us to find that place where our soul feels at rest - no matter the circumstances. In this kind of rest, we find our true value and worth is not in the doing of any task, but in just being who God made us to be. This is His true rest. From this talk, the women will come away with a sense of belonging as God's daughter, a sense of peace as we unhurry our lives, and a sense of purpose as we learn to just go where Grace takes us.