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Posted by: Hannah Rowen Fry on 10/20/2024

Miraculous Provision: Trusting the God Who Continually Provides

Hannah dives deep into Old Testament and New Testament scriptures, highlighting the miraculous provision of God as not just an act of his love, but a truth of his character. She shares about the often emotional topic of generosity in a very simple, practical way by showing how God has been more generous than we could ever imagine!


From manna provision in the wilderness, to a coin in a fish's mouth, dive into the verses that reveal God's heart of generosity. Hannah adds historical background, cultural explorations, and threads the needle throughout the Bible to share God's character as provider. By the end of this message, you will understand how God's economy works differently than ours, and lean into the very real truth that our dollar bills tell us: "in God we trust." 

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