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Posted by: Beth Owens on 11/02/2015


Martha: In full old lady garb, complete with a bouncy, curly wig, gaudy jewelry, cat-eye glasses, her Grandmothers dress, slip, sweater, shoes with drooping socks and knee highs, and no shortage of sass, Beth plays the role of Martha. Martha is a quirky, sassy old lady trying to keep up with her more hip, technologically suave, younger counterparts. Martha uses new age lingo and electronic devices to enhance a humorous approach to our changing times - all the while mispronouncing all the new words for the newest gadgets and technological advances.  Martha ends by making the point that her Hi-Tech hankering hasn't gotten her anywhere except a whole lot of JUNK IN HER TRUNK! She realizes that Jesus is the only thing that can truly satisfy and He is her supply and source for joy and fulfillment and nothing else can take His place.  Martha fits in to any theme and is sure to bring much laughter! 

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