If only good intentions were enough to raise kids to maturity! But sincerity doesn't automatically produce the desired results. Parents will have sharper clarity, courage, and compassion through three "lenses" as they focus on eternal outcomes.
Using photography as a metaphor, parents will see:
~ a wide-angle lens that brings clarity to their calling to prioritize children coming into God's family
~ a telephoto lens that brings courage to focus on children's lasting needs
~ a macro lens that brings compassion by caring about what's hard to see in a child's heart
* This message is adapted depending on whether the audience is moms only or also includes dads.
* This can be a stand-alone message or delivered as part of a 2-3 session package: "Model, Train, Focus: Three Practices of Wise Parents" and "Because I Read So: Principles from the World's Greatest Parenting Book"