If Life Were a Cookie My Friends Would Be the Chocolate Chips
Women are designed by the Father to be a helper. We were made from man for mankind. Unlike man, who was formed from the earth we were made from a person, for people.
We will take a humorous look at each ingredient for a batch of cookies: shortening = love, white sugar = spirituality, brown sugar = intimacy, eggs = consistency, flour = commitment, baking soda = humor/adds levity, salt = communication, extract = variety, chocolate chips = flavoring/fun, nuts= texture/trials.
Your audience will enjoy a live baking demonstration with someone from the audience, but it will get personal with questions ...
~ How are you in the kitchen? How are you prepping and preparing for quality in your friendships?
~ Do you take time to make sure the ingredients are suitable? Taking the necessary time and using the best quality, or do you run through people's lives like you in the "fast food" lane?
~ Do you spend time at the table with the people in your life? Do you tarry with them or just chuck a brown bag at them from your "drive-up" window?