Identity in Christ: The Transformative Power of the Holy Spirit
Through Jesus Christ we are a New Creation. Come learn to live from this place of Identity; it can be one of the greatest challenges in the church. And, how do we get the same mindset as Christ - to get His same results? Discover how to get UNRAVELED, learning the depth of the meat of the Word instead of living on milk. Heb 5:12
Once a person learns they are His there seems to be a disconnect of what truly transpired when they accepted Jesus Christ. I know this was true for me for more years than I like to admit. I kept trying to "achieve" His love by "doing" all of the right stuff- because that had been what I knew in my life- to get my Fathers or peoples approval.
God walked me through the Transformation process of learning to live "FROM" What Jesus accomplished beyond the cross- and after Pentecost. By looking at who the Disciples were prior to Acts 2 when Holy Spirit was poured out and filled them. They were still asking Jesus if it was time for His earthly Kingdom or Reign to begin. They still lacked understanding- they were still bound by a natural mindset. When Holy Spirit filled them- it wasn't just that they had power and authority in their words- what they truly carried was understanding- They had gotten UNRAVELED- and the veil was now gone- and they could "SEE"- for the first time what Jesus had accomplished.
Their Spirit-man was now alive and they became Kingdom Warriors and set the world on fire! No longer bound by emotions and tossed about. They engaged at a new level of life!
Then, as Jesus said- "Greater things will you do" John 14:12- once we can "see" beyond the cross and Pentecost- as Paul says in Ephesians 1- there is so much more for us- if we would have the "eyes of our understanding enlightened".