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Posted by: Lynne Leite - CurlyGirl4God on 10/29/2015

Hidden Treasure Finder to Heaven Treasure Finder

Antiques Roadshow, Storage Wars, American Pickers...have you ever found yourself watching these shows with fascination over the possibility of finding hidden treasures? Most of us would probably have to answer "yes"! Join us as Lynne shares a little about her life living with her very own hidden treasure finder and leave encouraged to seek Godly treasure instead.

From Hidden Treasure Finder to Heaven Treasure Finder is a luncheon talk that plays on the popularity of some of today's popular reality television shows. It includes some audience participation, a Power Point slide show, and a 5 minute narrated video tying in the gospel message with being a hidden treasure finder.  It is a fun talk that encourages women to change their focus from worldly treasures to heavenly treasures. Because it includes a gospel presentation and ties in with popular TV shows, it makes an ideal talk for your outreach events. This talk is approximately 40 minutes long.

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