Gritty Gratitude: Wielding Truth as a Weapon Against Lies
Cut through the shallow platitudes of gratitude to uncover a raw, powerful approach: gritty gratitude —a proactive practice that empowers you to wield God’s Truth to combat the lies weighing you down.
This session helps you harness gritty gratitude as a lifeline that shifts your toughest challenges into powerful moments of clarity, resilience, and real growth. Jenni explores how gratitude can be reframed to support mental resilience and turn life’s setbacks into stepping stones. Learn how to stop sinking and start surfacing by rewriting limiting narratives.
Key takeaways include:
Spotting and dismantling the lies that keep you in the depths of sinking
Harnessing gratitude as a weapon rescuing you from life's inevitable struggles
Gaining strategies to reframe adversity into purposeful action