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Posted by: Dori Pulse on 12/05/2019

Everything Changed When I Said ‘I Do'

Preparing for and living as a God-first stepfamily is both hard and rewarding work. This seminar will offer an enlightening and inspiring approach to step-living through personal life experiences as well as biblical examples.


What you need to know about the real-life issues that come up as you prepare and live out step-parenting. Culling from first-hand experience of her own, plus facilitating a Divorce Care program since 2008, Dori has embraced a passion for reassuring, supporting, and encouraging parents and step-parents. Step-life is a ton of steps...up, down, over, under, across, in and out, etc. Couples can find themselves wondering if they're the only ones with "these" problems, they often feel alone and uncertain. Statistics are behind in true numbers; one being that stepfamilies are now considered the number one family in America today. Wisdom, flexibility, humor, and patience are just some of the pearls shared.

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