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Posted by: Patty Mason on 01/27/2025

Emotional Freedom: Kick Harmful Emotions to the Curb

Bust the myth that you are a prisoner to your emotions. 

Do you feel depressed or anxious? Do harmful emotions weigh you down?
Are you ready to break free from the emotional pain that has held you back for so long?

Then, book this session and discover how to recognize destructive emotions, understand the root cause, and kick those harmful emotions to the curb. In this session, Patty shares seven strategies to help you triumph over your emotions and experience joy.

In Christ, you do have the power to regain emotional health and develop resilience and inner peace. 

Single session ideal for seminars, workshops, or breakout sessions    

Highlighted Verses 

Matthew 15:14

John 5:2-6

Nehemiah 8:10

Psalm 30:11

In this talk, we will 

  • Identify our joy-stoppers
  • Discover the difference between happiness and joy
  • Get to the root cause of our pain
  • Submit to the process of change
  • Discover the power of our words.

Key Points: 

The key to experiencing joy is a life filled with Jesus

If we want to get well, we need to allow God to get to the root cause of our pain.  

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