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Posted by: Dori Pulse on 12/12/2019

Emotional Fitness Through Attitudes, Boundaries & Choices

Emotions are a gift from God designed to serve as a gauge rather than a guide. During this session you'll discover how to adjust your attitude, build your boundaries, and clarify choices to exercise your emotional fitness and well-being. 


Attitude. Boundaries. Choices. Every day I wake to a new realm of experiences. When I reach consciousness and open my eyes, what is the first thing I allow myself to think?  Our minds are powerful, capable of many thoughts, wars, battles, as well as joy, contentment, and judgment. God created us with emotions which are part of our unique human identity, however, we cannot allow emotions to be the "boss". Emotions tell us what our hearts love, trust, and fear. It is essential to also realize emotions are temporary and need to be monitored.

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