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Posted by: Jodi Riley on 10/23/2024


We all have an Origin Story—a moment so pivotal it changed how we see the world and how we see ourselves. It’s a moment when pain gripped us so deeply, and fear so paralyzing overtook us, that we’d do anything to escape it. 

In that instant, we made a choice—consciously or not—to adopt a defense mechanism, a protective barrier to shield ourselves from ever feeling that pain again. 

But that choice, though well-intended, came with a cost. It took us out of alignment with our true selves, replacing authenticity with inner-conflict, suppression, and suffering. What started as protection became a shadow archetype—a new narrative of ourselves, that brought shame, self-doubt, and an identity rooted in fear. 

I want to share how we break free from that shadow archetype and step back into our authentic selves—into SELF-LOVE and SELF-LEADERSHIP. Because the path to self-leadership starts with loving yourself enough to shed the narratives that no longer serve you and EMBRACING THE POWER OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE.

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