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Posted by: Nicole Langman on 12/30/2024

Divorce Doesn't Get Casseroles

As a Christian community, we know what to do when someone dies. We bring casseroles, send cards, pray and attend ceremonies to honour the person who has passed and their family. 

But what happens when a family is battling mental health issues behind closed doors? Or family members are estranged, unsaved, struggling? Or when a child has a disability or disordered eating? What about the woman sitting at home alone on Friday evening on the heels of betrayal, abandonment or rejection?

This talk honours the lived and grief-worthy stories of every person in the room. It gives words for what is unspoken and challenges the church and participants to love one another in practical ways. 

A deeply personal talk, Nicole shares her journey through marital betrayal and the importance of not measuring loss. From her personal experience with grief, Nicole invites women not to compare their grief, or measure it against the experiences of others. 

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