Caring for someone with Alzheimer's can be overwhelming. Come learn about the disorder and how to care for your loved one without losing yourself in the process.
In this topic, you will learn:
what Alzheimer's is from a (very) basic biological standpoint,
symptoms to expect in the early and later stages of the disorder,
helpful ways to interact with your loved one who has Alzheimer's, and
effective self-care strategies to help maintain your own well-being while caring for your loved one.
I will discuss Alzheimer's caregiving in light of scripture which commands us to, "Honor your father and your mother" (Exodus 20:12). Since caring for my own mother who has Alzheimer's, I have become acutely aware of the difficulty in discerning what it means to honor our parents in the face of an Alzheimer's diagnosis.
Susan Howell, Psychologist/Author/Speaker,