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Posted by: Kim Chaffin on 05/17/2017

Bloom Where you are Planted

Bloom where you are planted was a 40 min talk about how we do not always end up where we thought we would but, we need to bloom where we are planted. God's plan is not always what we thought would happen in our life and sometimes we find ourselves in circumstances we never would have chosen for ourselves.  

I take a look a the book of Esther and how God would use her for such a time as this.

"Esther could have thrown in the throw in the towel, concealed her religion and accomplish nothing or she could trust and believe that she had come to this royal position for such a time as this.  She made the choice to bloom where she was planted".    

The talk offers a few real life examples of people who in the middle of heartache choose to trust God and they also bloomed where they were planted.  

Lastly the talk also touches on Joseph...

"Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers, sold into slavery by his brothers, sent to work for  Potiphar, and wrongly accused by Potiphar's wife which led to him being thrown into jail. All that Joseph went through was preparing him to rule in Egypt. He learned forgiveness, he had hope, and he knew God had a plan for him

Like Joseph, Esther, the ladies I told you about and my own story, I hope you see that you can’t do what God has planned for you if you don’t look beyond your circumstances. You need to let God be the gardener of your heart. Soak in the streams of living water, let him pull the weeds and even replant you to a different place if he feels it is needed. And don't forget one important thing...Flowers need the sun to nourish them and we need the love of God's son to nourish us. 

Bloom where you are planted. Bloom for such a time as this".

Given May 20, 17 in Spokane Valley Wa.

About 50 women at a church lunch.  

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