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Posted by: Karen McCracken on 07/24/2018

Be Still And Know

Does the idea of ignoring or minimizing life's challenges, in order to experience peace, frustrate your sense of reality? Great! In this session, we'll face the facts, embrace the pain, and discover how to "be still and know" God's way, no matter the circumstances.


What does it mean to be still and know? Does it mean to grab a glass of tea, sit on the deck with your legs up, and pretend you're in front of a beach listening to the waves swoosh back and forth? That's the idea many of us have about being still. 

The world has implanted in us that being still is a physical act of calming down and stopping the craziness for a while. While it can be that, what God's Word says about it is SO much more than a momentary relief.

Join me as I share my discovery of what God and His Word want from us. You'll discover what truly learning to BE STILL can do for your life, purpose, and ministry! 

I will share with your group the true and deeper Biblical meaning of the "be still and know" from Psalm 46:10, and how to apply it to your every day life. 

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