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Posted by: Hannah Rowen Fry on 12/02/2024

Abide in Christ: How the Words of John 15 Can Become Your Reality

This topic is close to Hannah's heart as she spent years on her journey to abide in Christ. With raw honesty, vulnerable faith, and a deep dive into Scripture, learn what "abide" really means and how to practically do it, leading listeners to a peace that passes understanding.


Here's what Hannah said about abiding in Christ:

"I heard the way other people talked about intimacy with God and a thriving relationship with Holy Spirit, but I didn’t have that. I was doing all the things I was taught to do in my faith, but something was missing. And even though I had a daily devotional routine, something about it didn’t quite fit me. 

I knew there was something more. And I wanted it. So I spent months focused on nothing else. 

Now I get to share what I've learned with you. Together let's experience freedom and joy as you focus on your faith more without judgment or guilt."

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