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Posted by: Karen Brooks on 02/10/2025

A Beautiful Thing

"She has done a beautiful thing to me. She did what she could."  Mark 14:6,8

When Karen tenderly speaks about this very personal and heartfelt passage of Scripture, she leads women to experience and embrace what it means to Jesus when He witnesses extravagant devotion in action that comes at an extreme cost. 

Karen vulnerably shares her painful story of fulfilling a ministry dream and then witnessing the devastating loss of what she truly believed was her Kingdom assignment and purpose from God. Through her heart wrenching disappointment, defeat and believing the lies of the evil one that she had failed, the Lord was faithful to speak His Words of Truth, Life, Hope and Redeeming Purpose over her when she heard His Voice say, "Karen, my beloved daughter, you did a beautiful thing to ME; you did what you could." Only Jesus knew the spiritual and emotional cost of this labor of love and service TO HIM, and He was well pleased.

Through this message, Karen passionately invites women to surrender their hearts in pure devotion to Christ. To be willing to be broken and poured out as a sacrificial fragrant offering TO HIM because HE IS WORTHY! Jesus calls His daughters to be faithful and obedient to do what they can...and leave the results to Him. 

When you come to the end of your earthly journey, may you hear Him say, “She has done a beautiful thing to Me, she did what she could!”

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