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Rhonda De la Moriniere Recommendations

Submitted by Fellow Writer on 12/08/2022

Kim Lindquist, Writer

On Topic

Rhonda De La Moriniere stands out as authentic, in the sharing of her journey to Jesus as her deepest relationship. Through such tremendous heartaches and obstacles, her story reveals how, ultimately, God received glory in all He allowed. As a writer and speaker, Rhonda's words get to the heart of every matter life may bring - that our Lord is sufficient, compassionate, and wants us to cling to Him daily. She inspires!

Do You Know Rhonda De la Moriniere? Write a Review

Jennifer Curl

She is one of the most real and powerful speakers I have ever heard! She has been through so much in her life and she is not afraid to share it with the world. She is not ashamed of it because she knows God is using her mess to help others. Anyone who is blessed enough to read something she wrote or hear her speak will be changed for the rest of their lives because I promise God is working through her!

Submitted by Sagemont Church on 11/14/2024

Carolyn Raimer

Rhonda spoke to our ladies at a women's event we had. She was very informative and knowledgeable about God's Word and the topic she spoke on. She was authentic and very engaging with the audience. I would recommend Rhonda for any ladies event you may have. I would definitely have her come back again.

Submitted by First Baptist Huffman on 06/24/2024

Mrs. Betty Walker

I met Rhonda at our ladies club bible study. She was facilitating Becoming Ewe, the study she has written. She did a great job presenting the study, but more than that was the discussion time afterwards. Each week as we dove deeper into the study, people began to open up about things that were going on in their lives. Many times in life we tend to shut off from others about situations that are affecting us. We all saw that we all have family or personnel issues, and sharing about how Jesus can carry us through and protect us on our journey was very comforting. She is very empathetic, and allows people the time to share. We became much closer as a group through this bible study!

Submitted by Commons Ladies Club Bible Study on 01/31/2024

Andie Knight

Rhonda is an amazing Christian leader. Her study, Becoming Ewe, stares deeply, right into my heart as a woman of God, as if He were speaking directly to me through her searching and thoughtful questioning that has obviously been designed by His hand.

Submitted by The Momentum Academy on 08/07/2023

Melissa Draper

Rhonda, Is a highly anointed Christian woman speaker. She really understands how to communicate the love of Christ through her teachings. She uses her life experiences, the mercy and grace she has found in her Savior and has taken her testimony of brokeness. To glorify the Lord in showing how he gives us beauty for ashes and FREEDOM from guilt, shame and condenmation. Powerful speaker.

Submitted by W O.o Mens Ministry on 08/25/2022

Nejwa Wilson - Student Leader

When you meet Rhonda, you cannot deny that Christ lives in her and drives her. She teaches from the scripture always pointing others to Christ, and her style is one that draws you in to want to hear more of the great magnificent God that we serve. She knows what it is to be broken, but more than that, she knows Who makes us whole and the Holy Spirit uses her to reach those broken places for healing to start happening.

Submitted by Sagemont Church on 09/06/2021

Rita L

Rhonda spoke for me in my home on 1/18/2020 to 11 of my fellow Christian sisters. She was punctual, pleasant and powerful in her spiritual presentation and testimony. One of my guest commented that she was so “awesome” to share her testimony with us. She stayed and had fellowship with my guest after her very transforming message. I humbly give Rhonda a 5/5 rating. You will be blessed.She spoke on How to determine God’s Will for Your Life.

Submitted by Self/private Women’s Prayer Luncheon on 01/19/2020

Angela Okafor

Rhonda speaks from the heart and stabs you in yours! She speaks the truth with grace that only someone that has gone through so much and still shines the love of God can. She is passionate about doing God's work and spreading His word among all. She reaches people that seem impossible to reach. Rhonda is compassionate and one of the most amazing women of God I have had the pleasure of knowing!

Submitted by Lesco on 12/11/2018