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Posted by: Judee Stapp on 10/29/2015

Renew Love, Rebuild Faith, Restore My Soul

Psalm 51:10-12 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." 

(Day or Weekend Retreat and Workshop) 

Do you ever wonder who you are today as you rush through your roles of mother, wife, shopper, accountant, nurse and cook? Are you constantly berating yourself to go faster, be sweeter, just get it done and move on to the next task? We CAN do anything but that doesn't mean we want to be defined by those positions. As the woman of the house, how are we conducting ourselves? Are we making our homes a place of welcome and peace or are we a source of frustration and annoyance for those closest to us? 

Come along as we discover how to find God's purpose and path for us and travel it with joy and faith. Come and be refreshed, renewed, and restored.

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