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Dawn Martin

Christian Speaker
Dayton Ohio 45417

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Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Dayton, OH 45417
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Omega Baptist Church
Relationship to Church
Member of
Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Dawn Martin

Introduction to  Just Dazzlind Productions & Fill My Cup

                                                            “I am the Vine, You are the Branch if you remain

                                                             In me and I in You, You will bear much fruit, Apart

                                                             From me YOU can do NOTHING”-John 15:5

Rev. Dawn Martin, (Dayton, Ohio), CEO and founder of Just Dazzlind Productions and G.E.M.S (Girls Empowered and Mentored for Success) and G.E.N.T.S (Gentleman Encouraged and Nurtured for Success) and the author of Fill My Cup-Transitioning to Your Purpose.  The goal for her business is to uplift, enhance, motivate, and celebrate families.  We have been in business now for 6 years and growing; and being a model herself for the past 34 years, Dawn has firsthand experience on both sides of the industry (Modeling & Educating).  First being a Standard Size model and teaching for Barbizon in San Francisco, now a Plus Size model and educator in Dayton.  Dawn has spoken to many women and men’s groups that have expressed their desires to know the basics in etiquette to help them better themselves for whatever goals they are trying to achieve, thus G.E.M.S and G.E.N.T.S was born.  First starting with social activities and now blossoming into a complete Educational and Success tool. Dawn is pleased to say that the public has fully embraced her vision and has opened its doors for more information.

Fill My Cup Workshops are becoming a demand, which means we will be openly introducing our vision and goals to the women, men and children.  Every family has suffered some kind of grieving process, and each person has a need to heal and move forward. Fill My Cup is currently being taught at the Dayton Correctional Institution for Women, and currently has a waiting list for students. The Fill My Cup Workshops have been requested by many women's ministries and women's organizations.  Fill My Cup takes it's participants on a journey to self discovery through their relationship with Christ.  It also gives a light to those suffering with grieve and loss. 

 Many have requested the need for basic etiquette in our young ladies and young men, GE.M.S and G.E.N.T.S not only wants to meet this challenge but also become a Big Sister/Big Brother to their cause, by doing so they not only change the view points of these young people, but also celebrate their successes.  Dawn also wants to be a Support mechanism for the everyday working women and be the foundation for her success.

Dawn Martin hopes that all will join her in the development, enhancement, motivation and education of all families across the globe.


Dawn Martin





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