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Sharon Sands

Christian Speaker
Highlands Ranch Colorado 80126

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It is my joy, honor and humble privilege to "make much of Jesus" in many different settings!

It is my joy, honor and humble privilege to "make much of Jesus" in many different settings!

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Crossroads Community Church
Relationship to Church
Pastor at
Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Sharon Sands

Sharon grew up in Seattle, WA. In her Senior year, her family moved to Austin, TX. In the 11 years that followed Sharon worked in Student Ministry in Heidelberg, W. Germany, Texas and Arkansas. In 1991 Sharon moved to Denver attend Youth With A Mission. She fell in love with Denver, and then fell in love with a handsome man! Sharon and Todd have been married for 30 years and have 2 sons, 3 daughters, 2 daughter-in-laws and one grandbaby on the way!

Sharon founded Passionate Heart Ministries 18 years ago, and has traveled across the United States encouraging women in ministry. Her passion is seeing women's hearts ignited in the direction of Jesus!!   She most recently the Women's Discipleship Director at Crossroads Community Church.  She is investing in helping women realize the power of legacy...that they have something to share with the next generation.

Sharon loves time with her family, the mountains, having people crowded around her dinner table, and is a staunch believer that "laughter does good like a medicine"!