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Posted by: Lisa Martin on 08/01/2023

Choosing Joy

It is God’s will that we live a life filled with joy, in abundance, until it overflows. As the keynote speaker, I will share how purposefully “choosing joy" can and will transform your heart from the inside out. As Christians, our joy is not based on the changing circumstances of our lives, rather it is an inner contentment provided by the Holy Spirit, regardless of what we are experiencing.

My "Choosing Joy" message can be a two-three-or four-part series that includes the following.

1. Learn what biblical joy really is, where it comes from, and how to make it part of your life.

2. Learn how smiling makes your heart happy.

3. Learn how laughter can break the barriers of hopelessness.

4. Learn who really has the power and authority to steal your joy.

5. Learn how to cultivate a joyful heart.

6. Learn how you can make God smile. 


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